Photo of George Sranko, Author

George Sranko – Author

By George

George Sranko has embraced the cutting-edge world of Artificial Intelligence in writing, experimenting with AI to publish over 50 articles online, and his fourth book marks another successful collaboration with this innovative tool. A respected writer, George’s literary contributions and best-selling publications have distinguished him in the world of non-fiction. With a career that spans over forty years, George’s masterful command of language and his ability to distill complex subjects into engaging narratives have earned him a reputation as a compelling author.

Educated with a Master’s degree in Political Science and a Bachelor’s degree in Biology, George’s expertise spans the intricacies of environmental policy and the natural sciences. His work as a best-selling author on financial market profitability showcases his versatility and skill in communicating sophisticated concepts to a broad audience.

Throughout his career, George has not only excelled as an author but also as a knowledgeable naturalist for the National Parks of Canada, where he began cultivating his talent for storytelling. His presentations are known for their blend of insightful analysis and relatable humor, making his writing and public speaking resonate with readers and audiences alike.

George’s international experience, bolstered by his dual Canadian and Australian citizenship, informs his writing with a global perspective that appeals to readers from all walks of life. His academic achievements, including his MA in Environmental Governance from Griffith University and his BSc in Biology from the University of British Columbia, provide a solid foundation for his written work.

Now based in Victoria, BC, Canada, George continues to inspire and educate through his writing. Alongside his wife Jan, he lives a life marked by curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge, qualities that are reflected in his authorship. George Sranko’s role as a writer and best-selling author remains central to his professional identity, as he contributes valuable insights to the literary and scientific communities.

Books by George Sranko

Write Books Using AI:
ChatGPT Prompt Mastery for Fiction and Non-fiction, A Step-by-Step Plan from First Draft to Finished Manuscript

Elevate Your Prompt Skills With Pro Tips: Write Faster, Profit Sooner
* Mimic Great Authors and Writers Using the AI Secret Sauce
* Harness AI to Amplify Your Unique Voice and Style

Embark on a writing revolution with “Write Books Using AI,” the essential guide for authors navigating the new frontier of AI-assisted creativity. Whether you’re crafting compelling non-fiction or immersive fiction, this book is your roadmap to mastering AI prompts, persuasive discourse, and storytelling.
With practical advice and clear examples, learn to harness AI for everything from initial research to the final polish of your manuscript. AI becomes your tireless writing partner, helping to streamline the writing process, overcome creative obstacles, and bring depth to your characters and clarity to your narratives.
Step boldly into the future of writing and publishing with a book that equips you for success in the digital age. Write Books Using AI is the key to unlocking your potential as a writer in the AI era, ensuring your prose resonates and your voice is heard.

Cover of book "Write Books Using AI," by G. Sranko
Write Books Using AI: ChatGPT Prompt Mastery for Fiction and Non-fiction, A Step-by-Step Plan from First Draft to Finished Manuscript (Innovate with AI) Paperback – 2024
by George Robert Sranko MA (Author)
Part of: Innovate with AI (1 books) ; See all formats and editions
Read this book, and you will:
* Sharpen your ability to craft prompts, guiding AI to produce standout content that truly captures your unique voice and vision.
* Master the use of AI to create robust outlines, tapping into its relentless capacity for idea generation to lay a rock-solid foundation for your work.
Acquire strategies to boldly approach your first drafts with confidence, conquer writer’s block, and ensure your narrative pulses with life and rhythm.
* Develop the finesse to polish your manuscripts with AI’s precise editing tools, smoothly navigating the usual writing snags with poise and precision.
* Keep your writing techniques on the cutting edge, leveraging the latest AI advancements to stay at the forefront of the rapidly changing literary scene.
* Learn to craft persuasive, well-structured arguments for non-fiction that resonate with logic and credibility.
* Dive into the realms of fiction, where you’ll use AI as a co-creator to construct compelling worlds, narratives, and dialogues that forge unforgettable stories.
* Supercharge your research process with AI’s assistance, transforming into a fact-finding ninja armed with the most accurate and organized information.

Elevate your writing with cutting-edge AI tools and be the first to discover groundbreaking strategies.

Swing by my website to snag some sweet deals on the best AI writing tools around and get the inside scoop on my next big writing projects before anyone else!

Join me at my Resource Page

Unlock an exclusive gateway to carefully curated affiliate offers and free AI tools.  For example, learn about innovative tools like one recently developed to take you from being stuck to publish-ready by filling out a few prompts. And it’s totally free!

These hand-picked AI tools are designed to enhance your writing process, from the first spark of inspiration to the final polish of your manuscript. Gain access to special discounts and trial periods, allowing you to experiment with various platforms and find the perfect AI companion for your unique creative voice.

You’ll also enjoy early access to my upcoming publications. Be the first to receive updates on new releases, delve into advanced writing techniques, and continue to refine your craft with the latest insights from the forefront of AI writing technology.

Whether you’re penning your debut novel or looking to add a persuasive edge to your non-fiction work, you can join a community of forward-thinking writers who are shaping the future of literature.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the vanguard—join now and let’s write the future together.

George Sranko

Author, Write Books Using AI

Order your copy today.

Octopus Paradox:
9 Brains, 3 Hearts, and 8 Arms Make for a Fascinating Creature

Available on Amazon

Are you fascinated by the mysteries of nature? Do you want to learn more about one of the most intelligent and intriguing creatures in the sea?
Look no further than “The Octopus Paradox: 9 Brains, 3 Hearts, and 8 Arms Make for a Fascinating Creature”.
Octopuses are not only fascinating creatures because of their unique physical attributes, but also because of their advanced cognitive abilities.
How do octopuses make nine brains work as one?
Amazingly, even though they have a distributed nervous system with two-thirds of their neurons in their arms, octopuses are able to solve complex problems, use tools, and even exhibit behaviors that suggest they may possess some form of consciousness.
In “The Octopus Paradox”, we will explore the world of these intelligent creatures and learn about their amazing abilities, from their incredible camouflage to their complex mating rituals. You will discover how their decentralized nervous system works and how it allows them to adapt to different environments and situations.
Whether you’re a nature lover, a student, or simply curious about the world around you, this book is sure to captivate and inspire you.

How to Make Money Trading Stocks & Commodities

Available on Amazon

The small guy is up against tough competition when it comes to making money consistently on stocks or commodities. This book gives you the essential keys to making consistent money on the markets in your spare time! “I wrote the book I wish I’d had when I started to trade,” the author tells people. “Charts and technical analysis provide the only real edge available to the average, small investor. This book provides you with a simple, yet brilliant strategy that can provide you with the money-making skills that will serve you for a lifetime.”

Find out:

  • methods for selecting the most profitable trades used mainly by professional traders;
  • detailed entry and exit strategies and techniques;
  • how to minimize risk and maximize profits.